



The implant is a highly effective form of contraception and once it has been in place for 7d offers nearly 100% protection from pregnancy as long as no medication is taken that could interfere with it working.

It is a small device about the size of a match that has to be fitted by a trained clinician to sit just underneath the skin on the inside of you forearm. It is licensed for use up to 3 years. The implant gives out a regular amount of the hormone known as progesterone and this suppression ovulation (prevents you from producing an egg). Please read the information attached to the links and tick the box below to say you have understood if you wish to go ahead with the procedure.


Advantages of the contraceptive implant

  • You do not have to remember to take something every day.
  • It can thin the lining down of the womb so that you periods may be lighter or stop.
  • It do not increase your risk of bloods clots or strokes so can be used if you smoke, are very over weight or have certain types of migraines.
  • It lasts for 3 years and is highly effective.


  • Irregular or unpredictable bleeding.
  • Can increase weight.
  • Might affect skin, mood, sex drive and cause headaches but may also improve them.
  • Requires a trained clinician to fit and remove the device and the procedure is a little uncomfortable.

If you would like to arrange an implant appointment, please read the information in the following link and complete the form below


If after reading this you have any questions regarding the implant please complete an Accurx


Implant appointment request/review

If your implant has expired and you rely on it for contraception please contact us for alternative contraception whilst you wait on our waiting list. Our current waiting list is approximately 3 months, you will be seen in 2 weeks if you are happy to travel to the contraception clinic in Exeter, they offer an initial telephone consultation and then an appointment for the procedure so you only have to travel there once. Please call them on 0300 303 3989 or visit their website.

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